Complete Concussion Management

ACHC is an official Complete Concussion Management Inc.™ clinic.

Our clinic is an official Complete Concussion Management Inc.™ clinic. As concussions have become the focus for both professional and amateur athletes around the world, we at Arnprior Chiropractic Health Centre wanted to be at the forefront of concussion diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation. With our collaboration and education through Complete Concussion Management Inc. we now offer the very best in research-proven concussion treatments and rehabilitation.


A concussion can be simply defined as a disruption in neurological functioning following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere on the body. This causes a biochemical imbalance within brain cells as well as decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain.

Following a suspected concussion, a player should be immediately removed from play, assessed and placed on complete rest in order to recover from the energy deficit. Studies have shown that any activity, both mental and physical, in the immediate days following concussion can delay the process of recovery and should be avoided until the athlete is completely symptom free.


The biggest concern surrounding concussions comes from the energy deficit that occurs in the brain following injury. When the brain is in this low energy state, it has been well established that the brain is extremely vulnerable to additional trauma, where even smaller impacts can lead to another concussion; and these second concussions can cause severe brain injuries with potentially permanent or fatal outcomes.

The problem is that symptoms (meaning how someone feels) do not coincide with brain recovery. The only way to know when the brain has fully recovered and out of this “vulnerable period” is to compare current brain function to when the individual was healthy; this is what is known as a “baseline test”.

A baseline test is a battery of tests that measures every area of brain function that could potentially become affected following a concussion (you need more than computer tests!!). The reason that the test is termed a “baseline” is because it is done BEFORE the athlete gets injured. In order to know when an athlete has fully recovered, we first have to know where they were when they were healthy. Without having this information, there is no way to truly know when an athlete has fully recovered and is safe to return to their sport.

Baseline testing is the most important thing to get done prior to beginning your sports season on a yearly basis.



Complete Concussion Management™ is a concussion research company that educates healthcare practitioners on cutting-edge concussion therapies and management strategies based on the most current medical research so that they may provide the highest quality of concussion treatment and follow-up outside of professional sports.
Certified Complete Concussion Management™ practitioners are continuously updated on current research and treatments in order to manage these injuries properly and safely to ensure adequate recovery, thereby limiting the risk of further injury and long-term brain damage.


  • The most comprehensive baseline testing anywhere
  • Post-injury diagnosis and injury management
  • Concussion rehabilitation for chronic symptoms (Post-Concussion Syndrome)
  • Coach & trainer education and certification programs


Complete Concussion Management™ is the largest network of specialized concussion clinics in all of Canada. Athletes tested through our program can have preferential access to any CCMI certified clinic across the country. All of these clinics have received the same training, are conducting the same tests, and using the exact same equipment. This means that if you are baseline tested in your town and you are out of town for a tournament and you get a possible concussion, you can walk into that clinic and be tested and compared against YOUR OWN baseline!

Is there treatment for concussions?

Rest is important in the first few days following a concussion, however recent evidence demonstrates that prolonged rest can actually increase your chance of developing lingering symptoms. Although, there have been no studies that have shown the effectiveness of any medications for concussion, research has established that rehabilitation for your vision, balance system, cardiovascular system, and treatment on the neck may be more effective in reducing symptoms and significantly improving recovery time following concussion. For the best outcomes, ensure you are working with a health-care provider who is trained and experienced in the treatment and management of concussions.

Coach/Trainer Concussion Sideline Course:

The research shows that more than 50% of concussions are not picked up on the sidelines. To minimize this, we now require all of our coaches and trainers to complete the CCMI Concussion Sideline Course. This online course is designed to equip those on the sidelines with a basic understanding of what a concussion is, and how to recognize, properly assess, and report these injuries. It also provides insight on how to safely manage a recovering athlete back into the classroom and sporting environment.

Completion of this course provides our coaches and trainers with access to the Concussion Tracker smartphone application, which enables them to assess and report suspected concussions directly to certified concussion clinics, as well as track the recovery status of injured athletes, all from their smartphones! This allows all of us to be on the same page when it comes to concussion safety and return-to-school/return-to-sport protocols.

Need to schedule an appointment? Click Here


Call us at 613-623-9440 to book a concussion assessment appointment or a BASELINE test with Dr. Knapp or Dr. Sullivan.


    call 613-623-9440