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Hip Flexor Stretch

By | Hip and Glutes | No Comments

In this post, we go over one of the most important stretches, the hip flexor stretch. Check out the video on some key areas to focus on to get a more effective hip flexor stretch. As well, below are some key points to ensure you are doing the stretch correctly. As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Enjoy.

  • There is a difference between a quadriceps stretch and a hip flexor stretch. Way too often we jump right to performing a hip flexor stretch while flexing the knee.  This incorporates one of the quad/thigh muscles that also crosses the hip joint and the psoas (our hip flexor). However, if the quads and hip flexors are too tight it makes it hard to perform this stretch and therefore is commonly performed incorrectly. What happens is people will compensate, usually keeping their pelvis in an anterior tilted position and hyperextending their low back.
  • Stay tall and Make sure you incorporate a posterior pelvic tilt. Resist the urge to lean into the stretch and extend your hip. Rather contract your abdominals and your glutes/bum muscles to perform a posterior pelvic tilt.  This will give your the hip flexor stretch we are looking for.  Many people won’t need to lean, they will feel it immediately in the front of their hip.
  • Guide your hips with your hands.  I usually start this stretch with your hands on your hips so I can teach you to feel posterior pelvic tilt.  Placing your fingers in the front and thumbs in the back will cue you into posterior tilt and make your thumbs move down.
  • Ankle Band Distraction Mobs

    By | Ankle and Foot | No Comments

    Hey everyone,

    Today’s video will show you how to improve and maintain your ankle mobility by attacking the joint. The previous two videos focused on how you can work on the soft-tissue and muscles around the ankle to increase your range of motion. Here you will see how using a band can help you create distraction in the ankle joint, which can improve the glide and motion in the joint possibly lead to an increase in your dorsiflexion or ankle flexion.

    Band Distraction Ankle Mobilization Video

    Next week’s video will wrap up Ankle Mobility Month with Paul Vaillancourt demonstrating a great way to loosen up the tough connective tissue around the ankle. Stay tuned.


    Ankle Mobility Test and Drill

    By | Ankle and Foot | No Comments

    Hey everyone,

    Hope you all enjoyed the last video about the importance of working on your calf muscles to increase you ankle range of motion. Continuing with the March Ankle Mobility Month our second instalment involves Dr. Sly, along side Paul V., demonstrating a great way to test and improve your ankle mobility.

    As always I can be reached at [email protected] and do not forget to checkout for all your strength and conditioning needs.



    Mashing Your Calves For Improved Ankle Mobility

    By | Ankle and Foot | No Comments

    Spring is around the corner and everyone will be getting excited for the warming weather. It is also exciting times here at ACHC as we are kicking off a great affiliation with UF Gyms. Sarah Leighton and Paul Vaillancourt of UF Gyms will be collaborating with Paul and Phil of ACHC to bring you some important videos and information on how to stay healthy and perform better.

    Each month will have a specific focus and we will share videos on how to attack mobility and stability issues. Showing you real life examples of how to implement the techniques into your daily routine.

    March is going to be ANKLE MOBILITY Month!

    Today Phil joined Paul V. at the gym and demonstrated the importance keeping your calf muscles loose. Check out this video on how mashing your calves can help increase your ankle mobility and improve your performance.

    I hope you enjoyed this video and are as excited as we about bringing you some great information each and every week. Stay tuned for the next great video.

    As always I can be reached at [email protected] and to contact Paul V. or Sarah head over to their website,




    Get more out of your therapy

    By | Therapeutic Techniques | No Comments

    Ever wonder what the ‘pros’ are doing when they get hurt or what therapy are they getting for their tight muscles and aches and pains?

    The answer is the same as you! Most professional athletes get a combination of therapies, including chiropractic, ART, acupuncture and massage therapy BUT where they differ the most is they know what their weaknesses are and use specific low tech exercises to correct those weaknesses.

    Weaknesses are not the same as a weak muscle, let me explain.

    In order for any athlete to perform at their peak and be most resistant to injury, they must have optimum movement.  Without optimal movement, an athlete is putting “fitness on dysfunction.” It is the equivalent of building a house on a weak foundation.  They are performing advanced level activities even though they are inefficient in their fundamental movements.

    When we lack a solid foundation of functional movement patterns, we then compensate with poor movement patterns. As a result, muscle tightness and injuries may never heal 100%, or optimal performance may never be reached.  Therefore, Functional Movement Systems is widely used by athletic programs to discover and correct these weaknesses and to help athletes stay healthy and compete the best they can. At ACHC, Dr. Knapp and Dr. Sly use this same system to screen, assess, and treat their patients and athletes, allowing maximal therapeutic effect, optimal performance and decreased risk of injury.


    Functional Movement Systems is made up of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA).

    The FMS is a ranking and grading system in which documents movement patterns that are key to normal function. Screening these patterns identifies functional limitations and asymmetries, generating the FMS Score. The FMS Score is directly linked to the most beneficial corrective exercises to restore mechanically sound movement patterns, track progress, and change the exercise prescription as movement improves.

    When pain is present, or when performance of an FMS test produces pain, Phil and Paul then use the SFMA. The SFMA is a comprehensive clinical assessment to classify movement patterns and direct manual therapy and therapeutic exercise interventions. It captures tightness, weakness, poor mobility and poor stability, which may be remote from the area of pain.  This allows for the most efficient and effective treatment to remove the pain and reduce or resolve mobility and movement-pattern asymmetries.

    Here at ACHC we want you to get the most out of your treatment and maximize your potential. Contact us to find out how you can get more out of your therapy!

    Running Technique – Part 2

    By | Running Info | 2 Comments

    In today’s post I will discuss two additional techniques that will help your running stride become more efficient, leading to longer distances, better race times, decreasing your risk of repetitive injuries and making running more enjoyable.

    CADENCE also referred to as stride frequency or how often your feet hit the ground.

    • Optimal cadence is around 180 strides per minute, meaning each foot will contact the ground 90 times per minute…….
    • One way to determine you cadence is to count how many times one foot contacts the ground in 30sec and multiply by 2.
    • Aim to contact the ground between 85-90 times per minute with each foot.
    • Over-striding will dramatically increase impact on muscles and joints
    • Increasing your cadence will soften your foot strike and reduce time on the ground with a proper mid-foot impact which will help reduce your chances of impact injuries.


    • Focus on deep belly breaths
    • Avoiding shallow, quick chest breathing
    • Keep mouth open and try to breathe through both mouth and nose simultaneously or through you mouth alone (nose does not get enough oxygen in by itself)
    • Keep shoulders relaxed

    As always I hope you enjoyed this blog and found it useful in your quest to become a better runner. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me.



    Running Technique – Part 1

    By | Running Info | 7 Comments

    Running is one of the most popular summer activities. There is no monthly membership, you do not have to worry about when the gym is open or when a class is offered. You can run when you want, where you want and as much as you want. However, many times we just throw on our shoes and begin pounding the pavement without any thought about our technique. Over the next few posts, I will outline a few key points to focus on during your next run. These tips will not only help prevent injuries but will also lead to more efficient and enjoyable running!


    1. RUN TALL:
      1. Maintain correct posture and bend forward at the ankles, not at the waist or hips. There is a tendency to slump and bend at the waist with fatigue. Try to stay relaxed from head down.
      2. Keys to help put body in optimal alignment for running:
        1. Keep your head and chest up
        2. 15-20° of knee bend (when?)
        3. Elbows should be bent at about 90° and swing from the shoulders.
        4. Practice:
          1. “The Lean” – stand with correct posture and bend forward at the ankles until gravity causes you to fall forward. This is the lean you are trying to achieve while running.


    1. Most people land out in front of themselves on their heel.  Heel strike is like a braking effect, you have to work much harder and it increases the impact on your body!
    2. A more efficient stride is to land mid-foot or flat foot:
      1. Your foot should strike directly under hip
      2. When running think of shorter and lighter steps/strides.
      3. Practice:
        1. Walk naturally on the spot in bare feet, pay attention to what it feels like land on the middle of your foot.

    Next time I will discuss the optimal cadence and proper breathing technique.



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